Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Our dependence IS upon God, and upon him only!

Psalms 39

In these verses we have,

I. David's profession
of dependence upon God, and upon him only, for all good (Psalms 62:1): Truly my soul waiteth upon God.

 “However it be, whatever difficulties or dangers I may meet with, though God frown upon me and I meet with discouragements in my attendance on him, yet still my soul waits upon God

(or is silent to God, as the word is),

“Says nothing against what he does, but quietly expects what he will do.

 We are in the way both of duty and comfort when our souls wait upon God, when we cheerfully refer ourselves, and the disposal of all our affairs, to his will and wisdom, when we acquiesce in and accommodate ourselves to all the dispensations of his providence, and patiently expect a doubtful event, with an entire satisfaction in his righteousness and goodness, however it be.

Is not my soul subject to God?

So the Septuagint. So it is , certainly so it ought to be; our wills must be melted into his will. My soul has respect to God, for from him cometh my salvation. He doubts not but his salvation will come, though now he was threatened and in danger, and he expects it to come from God, and from him only; for in vain is it hoped for from hills and mountains,

 Jeremiah 3:23;

Psalms 121:1,2

“From him I know it will come, and therefore on him will I patiently wait till it does come, for his time is the best time.” 

 We may apply it to our eternal salvation, which is called the salvation of God (Psalms 50:23); from him it comes; he prepared it for us, he prepares us for it, and preserves us to it, and therefore let our souls wait on him, to be conducted through this world to that eternal salvation, in such way as he thinks fit.

II. The ground and reason of this dependence (Psalms 62:2): He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defense.

 1. “He has been so many a time; in him I have found shelter, and strength, and succour. He has by his grace supported me and borne me up under my troubles, and by his providence defended me from the insults of my enemies and delivered me out of the troubles into which I was plunged; and therefore I trust he will deliver me,” 2Corinthians 1:10.

 2. “He only can be my rock and my salvation. Creatures are insufficient; they are nothing without him, and therefore I will look above them to him.”

3. “He has by covenant undertaken to be so. Even he that is the rock of ages is my rock; he that is the God of salvation is my salvation; he that is the Most High is my high place; and therefore I have all the reason in the world to confide in him.”

III. The improvement he makes of his confidence in God.

1. Trusting in God, his heart is fixed. “If God is my strength and mighty delivered, I shall not be greatly moved (that is, I shall not be undone and ruined); I may be shocked, but I shall not be sunk.” Or, “I shall not be much disturbed and disquieted in my own breast. I may be put into some fright, but I shall not be afraid with any amazement, nor so as to be put out of the possession of my own soul. I may be perplexed, but not in despair,” 2Corinthians 4:8. This hope in God will be an anchor of the soul, sure and steadfast.

2. His enemies are slighted, and all their attempts against him looked upon by him with contempt, Psalms 62:3, Psalms 62:4. If God be for us, we need not fear what man can do against us, though ever so mighty and malicious.

He here, (1.) Gives a character of his enemies: They imagine mischief, design it with a great deal of the serpent's venom and contrive it with a great deal of the serpent's subtlety, and this against a man, one of their own kind, against one single man, that is not an equal match for them, for they are many; they continued their malicious persecution though Providence had often defeated their mischievous designs. “How long will you do it? Will you never be convinced of your error? Will your malice never have spent itself?” They are unanimous in their consultations to cast an excellent man down from his excellency, to draw an honest man from his integrity, to entangle him in sin, which is the only thing that can effectually cast us down from our excellency, to thrust a man, whom God has exalted, down from his dignity, and so to fight against God. Envy was at the bottom of their malice; they were grieved at David's advancement, and therefore plotted, by diminishing his character and blackening that (which was casting him down from his excellency) to hinder his preferment. In order to this they calumniate him, and love to hear such bad characters given of him and such bad reports raised and spread concerning him as they themselves know to be false: They delight in lies. And as they make no conscience of lying concerning him, to do him a mischief, so they make no conscience of lying to him, to conceal the mischief they design, and accomplish it the more effectually: They bless with their mouth (they compliment David to his face), but they curse inwardly; in their hearts they wish him all mischief, and privately they are plotting against him and in their cabals carrying on some evil design or other, by which they hope to ruin him. It is dangerous putting our trust in men who are thus false; but God is faithful.

 (2.) He reads their doom, pronounces a sentence of death upon them, not as a king, but as a prophet: You shall be slain all of you, by the righteous judgments of God. Saul and his servants were slain by the Philistines on Mount Gilboa, according to this prediction. Those who seek the ruin of God's chosen are but preparing ruin for themselves. God's church is built upon a rock which will stand, but those that fight against it, and its patrons and protectors, shall be as a bowing wall and a tottering fence, which, having a rotten foundation, sinks with its own weight, falls of a sudden, and buries those in the ruins of it that put themselves under the shadow and shelter of it. David, having put his confidence in God, thus foresees the overthrow of his enemies, and, in effect, sets them at defiance and bids them do their worst.

3. He is himself encouraged to continue waiting upon God (Psalms 62:5-7): My soul, wait thou only upon God. Note, The good we do we should stir up ourselves to continue doing, and to do yet more and more, as those that have, through grace, experienced the comfort and benefit of it. We have found it good to wait upon God, and therefore should charge our souls, and even charm them, into such a constant dependence upon him as may make us always easy. He had said (Psalms 62:1), From him cometh my salvation; he says (Psalms 62:5), My expectation is from him. His salvation was the principal matter of his expectation; let him have that from God, and he expects no more. His salvation being from God, all his other expectations are from him. 

“If God will save my soul, as to every thing else let him do what he pleases with me, and I will acquiesce in his disposals, knowing they shall all turn to my salvation,” Philippians 1:19. He repeats (Psalms 62:6) what he had said concerning God (Psalms 62:2), as one that was not only assured of it, but greatly pleased with it, and that dwelt much upon it in his thoughts: He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defense, I know he is; but there he adds, I shall not be greatly moved, here, I shall not be moved at all.

Note, The more faith is acted the more active it is. Crescit eundo - It grows by being exercised. The more we meditate upon God's attributes and promises, and our own experience, the more ground we get of our fears, which, like Haman, when they begin to fall, shall fall before us, and we shall be kept in perfect peace, Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep us in  

And, as David's faith in God advances to an unshaken stayedness, so his joy in God improves itself into a holy triumph (Psalms 62:7):

 In God is my salvation and my glory. 

Where our salvation is there our glory  is; for what is our salvation but the glory to be revealed, the eternal weight of glory? 

And there our glorying must be. 

In God let us boast all the day long. 

“The rock of my strength (that is, my strong rock, on which I build my hopes and stay myself) and my refuge, to which I flee for shelter when I am pursued, is in God, and in him only.

I have no other to flee to, no other to trust to; the more I think of it the better satisfied I am

in the choice I have made.

” Thus does he delight himself in the Lord, and then ride upon the high places of the earth,

Isaiah 58:14.

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