Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The work of a talebearer!

The world is just full of accusations these days, you can't watch the News very long,  without someone pointing their  finger at someone. I guess this is to be expected in the Secular world,  but it should not be that way in the Church. The Bible says some harsh things about those people who persist in being  talebearer's !

Jesus said when you do anything to any of my disciples you do it to me!

Pretty sobering thought.

Jesus said my people follow my example and when they don't they are allowed to confess !

Everything spoken in private will be made known!

Read the chapter about repentance.

David repented when Nathan rebuked him !

 David says His sin was ever before him and that He paid dearly in this life. Just remember when you are trashing one of Gods children, God sees you and He will not take your side against his children, God is not a respecter of  YOU or YOUR family ! He hates Seven things and a talebearer is one of the things He hates!

Forgive and Forget : YOU will be judged harshly if you are a harsh judge.

King David Made a big knee jerk and then kept it up and even tried to cover it up!

 GOD still used David after his sin ...

Just think what we would have lost if we self-Righteously puff ourselves up and decide not to read any of David's writing because He sinned? Do you classify yourself better than someone who has confessed their Sin? In your mind do you just not listen? Being the accuser of the Brethren not seeing yourself?

IF you are guilty Stop it ...Don't be apart of it ...Rebuke yourself for being a part of this ungodly tearing down of the Church! The results will be that WE as a group will end up devouring each other and then splinter off into nothing! A pathetic excuse for what we once where ! If we ever were anymore than just a legend in our own mind.

I have had over the years many people who claim to be Christians poo poo the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ!

They parrot the same satanic deception ...

Oh Uncle what's His name preached 2 Thessalonians and That's been 30 years ago ... ha ha .... I even got scared every time I was by myself .... thinking oh no ... I got left!

Mocking ?

 Is that Mocking?

Jesus preached the watch message a lot!

That was 2 thousand years ago!

Still true when Uncle What's name was preaching and it will be true after he passes and it is still true now ....

You do not know when .... You do know How ... But you do know what to look for!

YOU are only accountable for what you do in your body! STOP Examining everyone else .

Start using your talents and your time wisely !

When we were young we had our children sing...

This world is not my home I am just passin through ...

My Treasure is laid up beyond the blue ...

The Angels ......

Are you living your life like today is the day?
It might very well be!

(Hebrews 12:1) Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

(Hebrews 12:2) Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.


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